Janie Medley7 Comments


Janie Medley7 Comments

Beautiful People…Happy Friday! We made it to the weekend and before I get into today’s blog post….Many of you know that right after my birthday, there was a family matter and I was spending most of my time at the hospital but GOD is beyond AMAZING y’all. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and for checking on me and my family. You all are truly so special to me and I appreciate your support and kindness! Sending you all lots of hugs and positive vibes….xoxo


Today, I want to share a few things with you that I have personally learned on the journey to 60….some lessons learned within the last couple of years and to be honest, learning something new each day.

  • There are times on the journey when we can be going through a rough patch in our life and somewhere on the way, we realize that what we are going through isn’t about us, it never was about us…it was about us being able to help someone else at some point. And it was also about us being able to have a testimony at the end of the rough patch and giving all the glory to GOD.

  • Don’t judge others. Life will take us through some serious turns…ups and downs that will humble us to the point where we will definitely not be in judgement of others.

  • Forgive others who have hurt us. The forgiveness is for ourselves so that we can move on and always remember, that GOD sees how we react to those who have hurt us.

  • Let Go and Let God “fight your battles”. I know you want to get back at the person(s) who hurt you but no need. Give it over to God and move on.

  • Jealous and Envy….please try not to go there…you don’t know what the person is going through that you are envy. Don’t let the pretty pics you see on social media mislead you. Jealous….oh no…that’s not cute at all y’all. Bottom line, don’t be jealous over someone’s blessings from GOD. Listen to me, their success is a blessing from GOD. Instead of being jealous, ask them if there is anything you can do to help them…I know you probably don’t believe this, but it will make you feel better!

  • Definitely believe someone is truly who they show you they are…trust me on this one y’all!

  • Step out side of your comfort zone!

  • Your circumstances don’t define who you are!

  • Some people are only in your life for a season. You may have to do a “clearing out” on the friendship circle.

  • Surround yourself with the people who lift you up, who encourage you, who will be honest with you and those who truly have your back.

  • Know that it’s never too late…never to late to go back to school, to start your business, to write your book….

Thanks for much to Damian Parker for capturing pics. You can follow Damian here and here…..he’s AMAZING!

Thanks so much to my beautiful friend and MUA, Erika of Erika Nixon for my glam!