Janie Medley6 Comments


Janie Medley6 Comments

Happy Monday Y’all…I hope your weekend was wonderful and here we are….at the start of a new work week and the last week of February…yes, how the time does fly by! My 60th BDay is getting closer…also known as I’m celebrating “30 twice”! The blog title, “5 Things I had to Let Go”….actually it’s more than 5 but for today, I’ll just drop 5……

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  • As I get older, I really don’t concern myself with what others think negatively about me….years ago, it would have bothered me. As I’ve shared before, it’s really none of my business what you think about me. It’s really too much energy and time to be concerned about it….no negativity is allowed!

  • It’s okay to say NO! I’m that person who always says YES when I know I truly don’t have the time or maybe I just don’t want to do what someone has asked of me…maybe I just want to sit home and chill.

  • Which brings me to #3, it’s okay to enjoy my own company…I don’t have to be in the presence of people all the time! Evenings in are actually fun…by myself or with friends!

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  • Don’t compare myself to others. This is really one of the worst things we can do. Be happy for others when they are blessed and be there for others when they are going through a storm.

  • Stop second guessing myself! To know that yes, I’m going to be 60 this year and it’s not too late to go for my dreams….to use my gifts from God to be a blessing to others.

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For this look, I shopped my closet…the only thing new are the white booties from Macy’s which are on sale…..the coat is from ASOS ….the hot pink sweater is from Ann Taylor which I purchased last year and the pants are from Banana Republic from last year as well.


So, what are some things you had to let you go or that you hope to let go. Whatever they are, just know that you aren’t alone…we all have somethings that we need to change for the positive…I encourage you to do so…I’m sending you lots of positive vibes and thank you all for stopping by today..stay fabulous…xoxo

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Thanks so much to my girl Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the fun and the pretty and to my girl Erika of Erika Nixon…for all the glam!