Janie Medley6 Comments


Janie Medley6 Comments

Happy Wednesday Y’all and YAAASSSS….the post today is about “Friends….”How Many of Us Have Them”…y’all know the song by WHODINI….well, let me take that back…some of you may have never heard it but I’m sure you’ve heard a sample of it on another song….I have to say I’m very blessed to have great friends and a beyond wonderful family…but I also have to be honest and say that some friends haven’t stayed…sometimes you just have to truly let some people go…sometimes those you thought were your friends will leave…don’t trip y’all…just remember that some people were only meant to be in your life for a season and it’s just time to move on.

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My mom always said that you can’t live in this world alone…you are going to need someone….and she’s absolutely right. Personally, I don’t know why anyone would want to…but after getting mistreated, used, and taken advantage of, I can see why you may want to stay to yourself…but hear me y’all…don’t take that route…friendships, true friendships are a beautiful thing.

The true friend that you can call on anytime day or night….the true friend that sticks by you when you got plenty money in pockets and when you counting pennies….the true friend that you can tell anything and they don’t judge and you don’t have to worry about them sharing it with anyone else….the true friend that will let you know when you messing up and still hang in there with you to straighten it out…

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The true friend that is genuinely happy for you and not jealous when God blesses you…like when Oprah calls you or you were featured in Essence magazine 2018 summer issue (full page)…..the true friend that always likes and comment on your Instagram…the true friend that calls the other true friends to come over when you going through the going through to help you get through….even when it’s one of those “we are spending the night with you kind of going thru”…the true friend that sends you the “I’m just checking on your text”….the true friend that won’t have to come to you and let you know someone was talking negative about you simply because they won’t let anyone talk negative about you…..the true friend that comes and gets you and takes you to church because they know you need to hear the word!

Fashion and glam deets can be found here!


You may also find that when your relationship grows closer with God, you may find some friends leaving your circle or you may have to cut them loose…you’ll find yourself changing and changing in a good way…they may not can understand or relate to what you are experiencing and that’s okay…you’ve got to do what you gotta do and so do they…it’s not that you don’t love and care for each other…it’s just that you are on a different path.

Fashion and glam deets can be found here and here!


Now, if you have a couple of true friends…you are truly blessed…my mom also used to say…”you don’t need lots of friends….you just need one or two really good friends”…she’s absolutely right. Have you checked on your true friends today….I’m sending you all positive vibes and hugs….thanks so much for stopping by today…xoxoxo

Fashion and glam deets can be found here and here!

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Thanks so much to my beautiful and true friend Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the pics. Love you Ali!!