Janie Medley4 Comments

You've Got This!

Janie Medley4 Comments
You've Got This!

This post is dedicated to a very special and beautiful friend of mine, who of course shall remain nameless in this post, but I know many of us can relate...I know I can!  I got a call from her yesterday morning and I knew something had to be going on because she's not one to call...she's one to text.  I knew something was going on with her when she spoke, I could hear it in her voice...she began to share with me that yesterday was the "anniversary" of a special time in her life when she was with her ex.  She was having a "moment".  We all have them...as I shared with her, we are human and it happens to all of us.


Of course there are different types of "moments".  There are moments when a loved one that has passed could come to mind...you could hear a special song or for those of us who have lost our parents, Mother's Day and Father's Day are still emotional for me and my parents passed away in 1995. 

Yes, having a "moment" when it involves an ex, is different for everyone...especially depending on the circumstances...but our ex's are our ex's for a reason....so, have your moment and move on...honestly, time is too valuable and too precious to waste....guys, my friend is such a beautiful person, inside and out...she's truly a Queen and she has the biggest heart...so, if you are reading this...like I shared with you on yesterday...You've Got This!....you are a true survivor and God has so many wonderful blessings coming your way that you can't even imagine....you just keep shining and be the beautiful woman that you are...I love you and always here for you....xoxo


I hope you all know that whatever it is that takes you to that "moment", please know that You've Got This!  It's going to be okay....most times it's already okay....when the "moment" hits you, call your girls, pray, get out of the house and do something fun, write in your journal, take a walk, put on some music and dance...whatever you need to do...send me an email...I'm totally here for you....have a wonderful weekend...I'm sending you all positive vibes and lots of hugs...xoxo


I'm wearing a knit suit from Zara.....handbag from Target (not available any longer...sorry guys) and shoes from Steve Madden.

Images captured by my beautiful and talented friend Ali of Alisandra Photography and makeup by my beautiful friend and talented MUA Erika Nixon....thanks so much for stopping by Medley Style guys...have a beautiful day....xoxoxo