Janie Medley2 Comments


Janie Medley2 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Beautiful People! I don’t know about you all, but it seems like the holidays came so quick this year…holidays are actually a bit hard for me as I’m sure it is for a lot of people…with so much bad going on in the world I try to focus on the good and and be encouraging to others and to myself. Of course we are missing our loved ones who I like to say, they haven’t left me for they will ALWAYS be with me, they are just in another place, but always with me!

I’m blessed to have an AMAZING family…although they are a couple of hours away from Richmond, I have the most AMAZING Richmond family and friends…now, you all know that I don’t have any kids because if I did, you would have seen them on the blog and on my social media pages…I would have been that mom that always talks about her kids…but I have soooooo many adopted daughters and nieces…a lot!

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So, I want to introduce you to one of “adopted daughters”…..say hello to Shi…..as you can see, she’s beautiful….and yes, all my girls are beautiful…inside and out….Shi is my “ride or die”…she’s been there for me through thick and thin and when I used to do the flower thing, she has been up with me to the wee hours of the morning processing and designing flowers! I’m so proud of her because she’s an awesome business woman and boss chick…I’ve been knowing Shi for almost 20 years and her parents are AMAZING so she could only be as AMAZING…and she loves her some Jesus! Shi is always positive and always encouraging…we have had some serious conversations about life and when we have our girl chats…OMG…serious laughter and fun! You can follow Shi on her day-to-day journey at here!


Shi, just let take this opportunity to tell you how thankful and blessed I am to have you in my life…your spirit and your sense of humor and kind heart keeps me young….oh, yeah…I totally forgot to mention my skincare regimen. I use the skincare products from Artistry…..Shi is a consultant for the company and she is seriously a true boss lady at this …..so yes, literally she keeps my skin looking young and fresh….and y’all, we had a ball on this photo shoot…Oh my gosh y’all, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much as we did that day….always Good Times!


Thanks so much to my girl Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the fun and the pretty and to my girl Erika of Erika Nixon…for all the glam! Shi, you got this modeling thang now Boo!